Field Guide to Covering Sports, By Joe Gisondi
This is Grady Sports Media’s go-to textbook for their introductory course.
Gisondi, a professor at Eastern Illinois University, also maintains a blog, Sports Field Guide, about his approach to teaching sports reporting and writing.
Transform yourself from sports fan to professional sports journalist
Field Guide to Covering Sports, Second Edition goes beyond general guidance about sports writing, offering readers practical advice on covering 20 specific sports. From auto racing to wrestling, author Joe Gisondi gives tips on the seemingly straightforward—like where to stand on the sideline and how to identify a key player—along with the more specialized—such as figuring out shot selection in lacrosse and understanding a coxswain’s call for a harder stroke in rowing.
In the new Second Edition, readers also explore sports reporting across multimedia platforms, developing a foundational understanding for social media, mobile media, visual storytelling, writing for television and radio, and applying sabermetrics. Fully revised with new examples and updated information to give readers confidence in covering just about any game, match, meet, race, regatta or tournament, Field Guide to Covering Sports, Second Edition is the ideal go-to resource to have on hand when mastering the beat.
Get regularly updated sports journalism coverage, advice, and more by visiting the author’s blog.